Alden-Conger Public School District

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High School Choir '23-'24 Assignments

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Lesson 2 Quarter 4 Due 5/24:
Watch the attached video and write what you learned from it. in Google Classroom

Lesson 2 Quarter 4 Due 5/24: Watch the attached video and write what you learned from it.

Lesson 2 Quarter 4 Due 5/24:
Watch the attached video and write what you learned from it.


Choir Notes 4/2: One of our musical elements for quarter 3 is style.  Give some examples of how you may describe style. in Google Classroom

Choir Notes 4/2: One of our musical elements for quarter 3 is style. Give some examples of how you may describe style.

Choir Notes 4/2: One of our musical elements for quarter 3 is style. Give some examples of how you may describe style.


Choir Notes 4/4: One of our musical elements for quarter 3 is expression.  Give some examples of how you may describe expression. in Google Classroom

Choir Notes 4/4: One of our musical elements for quarter 3 is expression. Give some examples of how you may describe expression.

Choir Notes 4/4: One of our musical elements for quarter 3 is expression. Give some examples of how you may describe expression.


Lesson 1 Quarter 4 Due 5/2 in Google Classroom

Lesson 1 Quarter 4 Due 5/2

Lesson 1 Quarter 4 Due 5/2:

Watch the attached video and write what you learned from it.


Lesson 2 Quarter 3 - Watch the video and respond with what you learned. Due 3/21 in Google Classroom

Lesson 2 Quarter 3 - Watch the video and respond with what you learned. Due 3/21

Lesson 2 Quarter 3 - Watch the video and respond with what you learned. Due 3/20


Lesson 2 Quarter 2 '23-'24.  You may either see Mrs. Theusch for a lesson in person, or you may watch the video lesson here and respond with what you learned.  If you are in the musical or in jazz choir, you do not need to do lessons. Due Jan. 19. in Google Classroom

Lesson 2 Quarter 2 '23-'24. You may either see Mrs. Theusch for a lesson in person, or you may watch the video lesson here and respond with what you learned. If you are in the musical or in jazz choir, you do not need to do lessons. Due Jan. 19.

Lesson 2 Quarter 2 '23-'24. You may either see Mrs. Theusch for a lesson in person, or you may watch the video lesson here and respond with what you learned. If you are in the musical or in jazz choir, you do not need to do lessons. Due Jan. 19.


1/12 E Learning Attendance in Google Classroom

1/12 E Learning Attendance

In order to be counted "here," please respond with what you will work on today for choir. You may choose ONE of these options.
--Music Theory Packet - finished packet due 1/19
--Solo/Small Group Project - High School Contest is 3/11, and Middle School Groups perform 1/18.
--Do Lesson 1 or Lesson 2 on Google Classroom
--Answer a question.


1/12 ELearning Assignment in Google Classroom

1/12 ELearning Assignment

Please write 1-3 sentences stating what you accomplished doing the activity you chose.
--Music Theory Packet - finished packet due 1/19 (What did you work on or finish?)
--Solo/Small Group Project - High School Contest is 3/11, and Middle School Groups perform 1/18. (What did you work on or improve on?)
--Do Lesson 1 or Lesson 2 on Google Classroom. (Be sure you also write what you learned under Lesson 1 or Lesson 2 so that I can give you lesson credit for it.)
--Answer a question. The question for today is "Why is diction important in vocal music?"


Lesson 2 Quarter 1 '23-'24.  You may either see Mrs. Theusch for a lesson in person, or you may watch the video lesson here and respond with what you learned. in Google Classroom

Lesson 2 Quarter 1 '23-'24. You may either see Mrs. Theusch for a lesson in person, or you may watch the video lesson here and respond with what you learned.

Lesson 1 Quarter 1 '23-'24. You may either see Mrs. Theusch for a lesson in person, or you may watch the video lesson here and respond with what you learned. If you are in jazz choir, you do not need to do lessons.


Lesson 1 Quarter 1 '23-'24.  You may either see Mrs. Theusch for a lesson in person, or you may watch the video lesson here and respond with what you learned. in Google Classroom

Lesson 1 Quarter 1 '23-'24. You may either see Mrs. Theusch for a lesson in person, or you may watch the video lesson here and respond with what you learned.

Lesson 1 Quarter 1 '23-'24. You may either see Mrs. Theusch for a lesson in person, or you may watch the video lesson here and respond with what you learned. If you are in jazz choir, you do not need to do lessons.