Alden-Conger Public School District

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First Day of School POSTPONED

As a result of a positive Covid-19 case and close contacts within the school staff it was decided that the start of school for all students will be postponed.  Therefore, the first day of school for all students in Pre-School through 12th grade will be Monday, September 13, 2021.  Elementary conferences will still be next Tuesday, September 7th and Wednesday, September 8th as scheduled but these conferences will now be virtual.  Whatever day and time elementary parents were scheduled to conference with their child's teacher will remain the same.  Teachers will send out invitations to parents in the next several days.

As of right now, sports practices and games will continue as the positive case and close contacts were not in direct contact with these groups of students and/or coaches.

If there are any additional updates or changes, they will be communicated to you as-soon-as-possible.